Welcome, visitor, to Magica!, a mini online trading card game (TCG) dedicated to mahou shoujo (magical girl) anime and manga. We feature the characters, stock sequences (OP/EDs, transformations, attack sequences), and more. The TCG is fully-automated, which means you can join and start playing right away!
☆ Quick little update (July 31, 2016)
I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. It's been 2 years since I've even touched Photoshop, so card-making is a like picking up a rusty skill; I can still do it, I'm just nowhere as efficient as I used to be xD;;
I'm aware of the Java applet issues on the games and will be getting those fixed later today (sorry it wasn't done sooner - been super busy with one of my cats being sick ;__;) I also do want to remind people that there ARE freebies in the previous update post below - y'all seem to have missed it the first time around, so make sure you pick them up! In the meantime, here are some new decks. You may take one card from each deck. Enjoy!
☆ Hello, is this thing on? (July 23, 2016)
Whoa. Look, Magica! is coming back, exactly the way it was before! I apologize profusely for disappearing into the abyss and not leaving a trace. My domain expired, and I went through a slew of medical and financial hardships the past few years. They're still not over, but I do have more time on my hands and wanted to return to the TCG world. So here we are!
I took a long, hard look at why I didn't want to work on Magica! during my time away, and I've concluded that I was trying to be too ambitious with the weekly updates. As a mini TCG, it was never my intention to update so frequently, but once I got started I didn't want to let the members down. I've decided that I will only update when it fits into my schedule. Everyone is still welcome to play games once a week (they don't need updating). In addition, I've removed masteries from the card deck page to minimize work for myself. Please still send in level updates, though, so I can track how active everyone is xD
Please submit a new join form regardless if you're a returning or new member. If you are returning, you can keep your old member card and all your old cards and pick up right where you left off! The levels have changed though, so please check here to make sure you're at your appropriate level.
Now that that is over with, you may take cards spelling out R E T U R N, max 1 card per deck. If you were an old member, you can take an extra 2 choice cards from any deck. Log what you take and enjoy!